Monday, August 17, 2009

Day 27

Theme: Moral Righteousness and Ethics to prevail


[Amos 5:24]

But let justice roll on like a river,
righteousness like a never-failing stream!

Prayer Subjects:

1. That the LORD may convict our national leaders to uphold moral righteousness to be corrupt-free and against all forms of corruption

2. For civil service and civil servants in every government ministry

3. For all citizens of Malaysia: that we will all cherish and value corrupt-free practices and be against all corruption


It is time for us to say "NO" to not only SMOKING but also RASUAH. I repent for that once in my life that I give in and paid RM40 under the table, and I swear I would never do that again! (In other news, some truly anti-corruption police are recording the process with their cellphones to ensure that once you offer to bribe, you get caught. ) So, let's not break the law in the first place, and if committed unintentionally, pay the full price for our lessons. LOL

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