Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Our God is An Awesome God

Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.
[Matthew 4:4]

It is seemingly so true these days through all the blessings that came from Him. Last Sunday, when Pastor Sandy elaborated on the topic of Rejection. There was this particular thing she said, of which I sincerely see no flaw in.

She said, " We need to learn to forgive, to handle rejection, because as God's people, we will succeed in life through His will and power, and this often brings forth prejudices and despise of the world."

How true is that in our lives, dear brothers and sisters in Christ?

As we walk along the journey of life, have we not realize that many times, we are blessed with the riches of life without even having to plea and beg? The many coincidences that are in favor of our well-being happens too often to be taken as mere luck.

The second message that stroke my heart, was the idea of "our perception determines our reality".

How sweet and pleasing to the ears to hear from God.

I have always had issues with perceiving myself as the ideal person I want to be, and thus have many times failed due to the internal denial that I could be a better person.

Past rejections of my life has always made my days like a living hell, and words people say in the past tore my heart apart so widely it could hardly be healed. Yet, as Pastor Sandy said, the soul will feel the pain, yet the spirit can choose to forgive and cleanse us clean from grudge just by asking Him.

God, maybe I am far from being perfect, but I know everytime I stand before You, I am made complete, complete with Your sovereignty, completed by Your love and embrace.

The heart of worship came back to me in abundance lately, thank You Lord, for giving me all that I have now and I am grateful for all that is to come ahead, cause I know through the hard times, I could take refuge, and that through the happy moments, I have You to thank. Amen.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Hanging out with different group of friends often bring forth different feelings and emotions.
I kinda feel a little awkward in the group I was once very attached with, due to the changes in me and the perception of humor that kinda differed.

Getting accustom to a new tradition and culture takes time, how long would it take for me to adapt to the change that is coming ahead?

The way things were a few months back and now has also greatly varied..... And, most of the time, I am reluctant to believe those changes ever happened, and silently wishing that everything would return to normal.

God, take us further, give us the sensitivity to feel what others have in mind, and help us to think from their perspective. Help us to forgive and to silently wait upon Your directions in all relationships we partake in. Let our past fade with time, our present with no regrets, and future with hope. In Jesus Name, AMEN.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My Change

Lately I found out that I am so not into a routine lifestyle. I like everything to be unpredictable, especially the adrenaline rush that comes forth in the midst of dealing with the unforeseen circumstances.

I kinda have a different perspective of this term since who knows when. From the time I was dreaming to meet the perfect one, to have the perfect kiss, the perfect night, the perfect life together, until now that I crave companionship, a shoulder to lean upon, and someone to depend on when I tumble and break.

Once upon a time, I remembered I had no close friends, even to the point that I believed it was non-existence. Although I might not have a heap of them now, but more than enough for me to feel contented. Simple things you all say can go so deep to touch my heart, but the downside? critics could also stab my heart like the prowess assassin ever. Pros outweighs the cons thou, since I know in every critic lies a room for improvement and enrichment!

Trivia words that touched my heart:
Nxxxx: Text when you're back!
Cxxx: Call me if you need a ride home, I am perfectly fine with it. (2.00 am)

Trying to depend on God more. FAITH man!

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Trying hard not to think too much.

I am such an idiot sometimes. My mind is so often bombarded with unhappy circumstances purely created in my imaginary world.

Going to Queensland in like 6 months kinda gives me no time to slack around doing nothing. I feel like being with the bunch of dearly friends I have for as long as I could, even until the point I feel more homely being with them than elsewhere.

"it doesn't matter what you do, but who you do it with"

This is seemingly so true these days.

There are often conflicts and problems that bloated out of a sudden, of which many of times caused difficult feelings or even onerous worries, I enjoyed the entire process. Not that I like it, but the fact that I know that these are parts and parcels that constructs our memory together.

May all the good be with us LORD, help us through the difficulties we face, and teach us the art of friendship in an even more in-dept manner. In Jesus' Precious Name, AMEN.