Monday, September 6, 2010


Sometimes, I feel very sorry for being unagreeable, but like a deep rooted trait, it takes a long long time to remove.

I notice that when I get unhappy or so-called "emo" for whatsoever reason, I kinda explicit this characteristic of mine very often. I guess it's pretty much why I perceive myself as a jerk.

Since high school, this trait kinda got me into trouble all the time. I just don't agree on many things people claim, sometimes because of different perception, and other times because I just felt like annoying the shit out of them. I don't like to say "yes" and give in, unless it's too insignificant, or the fact that I do really agree.

While contemplating the cause of it, I kinda got confuse whether it was debate that made me the way I am, or was it the way I am that got me into debate. No matter what the answer might be, I think I should really try being neutral at things sometimes.

Sorry to those I have offended because of my unagreeableness, and for the many times I was in a bad mood and felt just so much like "punching someone in the face" by reacting annoyingly to everything you guys say about anything, I am sooooooo sorry.

Change me LORD, help me to be a more optimistic and cheerful guy, teach me to be humble and thankful towards the friends I have, and help me be more neutral or agreeable towards things they say or convey. Thank You LORD. Amen

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