Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Well, life has been great for the couple of days, and all the outings are completely sparkling the dreadful HELP college life. However, as life goes by, it starts to seem a little lonely.

I know I am well famous for not being moved with the relationship crap, yet, I kinda feel that it's the time to really start trying to bond with someone, and hoping for all that I can get. I don't wanna sound desperate or anything, yet, considering the fact that I am well 21, it kinda triggered the thought of having someone, and the fact that I am moving in the land of the kangaroos next year, stirred the compulsion that I really could use a helping hand to take care of me when I fall.

Not that it's a sign to start hunting like a wolf or being insane about everything that comes across sight, yet, I think I should really consider being more vigilant of the upcoming acquaintances and check out whether if Ms. Right is hidden in the cluster.

Although I admit that there are still lots to worry about, and the overwhelming preparation would in all ways turn me off, I really do need to rely on You LORD to give me a direction and affirmation that I could do just fine.


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