Saturday, June 11, 2011

This moment

Well, my mum just departed for Malaysia, and although outwardly, I still had to put up the I-am-fine face, but I can't help to feel the pinch.

It's terrible for all emotions to surge at this moment as exams are like days away, and a aching heart wouldn't do any good to help me focus.

All I wish for right now is a holiday, and apparently it wouldn't come true before my 4 killer exam papers.

I just don't know how to express it in words, but all I felt like saying was that "I need you now", "mum, I need you now."

Dear Lord Jesus, I need You to be the strength, to be my strength, to help me focus, to help me live. I need to feel You by my side right now, I need You..... I really do....

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